Sunday, May 29, 2016



Hello all who are reading this. If you see this, then you are most likely an intern for summer of 2016.  We are a group of Engineering students at San Jose State University working to develop the Spartan superway, a solar powered podcar automated transportation network. This document  is simply a summary of the Spring 2016 final report for the Spartan Superway project.

Navigating this summary is very simple. Each of the subteam’s work is divided into individual blog posts, with a roman numeral indicating the order. Furthermore, each of the organizational sections are underlined like this. Notes taken on each problem have a * in front of them, with lower case roman numerals (such as i and ii) signaling further notes and individual numbers (like 1 and 2) signal even further notes.

Here is an example with a made up sub-team named “Cold fusion wayside”

XIV. Cold fusion wayside

Testing and analysis

  • We tested our energy system at Lawrence Livermore national laboratory
i. We used a tank to bring over all of the materials
  1. The tank was a an M8, provided by the United states national guard
ii. There was a bump in the road that nearly destroyed our system, but thanks to duct tape we were able to fix it

  • Our results gave us a 99% efficiency rating

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